First point: to find a good (new) job you need to be feeling good. Whatever the reason of your dismissal, seek for a new job is not easy. A big effort is needed, especially because you have the challenge of keeping yourself motivated, happy and confident.

The good news is that there are some actions that can contribute enough for you to successfully overcome this phase, especially after being fired:

1. Take a few days for reflection and rest. The deadline for this stage should be proportional to your financial reserves or your ability to take risks and venture out on a gap year, for example.

2. Defining your new goals: use your days of rest and reflection to update on trends (cultural and technological), new careers and professions, finally, on your new perspectives. Do not forget to use your thoughts to identify mistakes you committed and about those you "wasn't guilty", people who really supported you and those who you "had trusted hastily", your best skills and your "hidden weaknesses" (those you have difficulty accepting), your true motivations (to make money or help others), separating what makes you happy and what bothers you.

3. Use the LinkedIn and review your resume. Yes, LinkedIn works really well if you use it properly. More efficient than looking for jobs on LinkedIn is to have a profile that can be found by those are looking for good people. Review your LinkedIn profile (use the results of your reflections!), clearly define your objectives and spread to everyone that you are looking for new professional opportunities. There are many oppenings disclosed in this tool, but few are there for you. You need to apply to many of them, knowing that the chances of succeeding this way are small. But beware! Apply yourself in processes without having the necessary experience can be very negative. You need to understand the challenge of recruiters. It is not easy for them, as it is not easy for you. Try to collaborate with their work, reducing the huge volume of inadequate resumes they receive daily. Use LinkedIn to study the companies and their top executives. There are many matters that deal with the good use of LinkedIn, google it!

  • Tip: before changing his position to something like "in career transition", turn off the option of LinkedIn that shows all of your profile changes:

4. Have a business card. Do you have an own company, participates of some group or institution? It is a good time to ask permission and to print some business cards on behalf of one of them. If you do not own a company, a good tip is to position yourself as an Advisor: Business Advisor, Financial Advisor, Healthcare Advisor, i.e. showing in a nutshell in which area you have more experience. But remember: you need to focus! Choose from continuing being an executive or becoming an entrepreneur. They are different stuff and therefore require different strategies.

5. Use your business card (temporary) and go to events. There are many great quality events, completely free. Identify those with synergy to your new professional goals or simply those with matters of your interest. Cooking, the world of wines, new technologies, cultural movements, all of this also works, since your goal is to be among positive people who can food you with good energies!

6. The importance of having small talks with some executives: if you are a senior professional, an executive, sending resumes to a hundred people doesn’t work. Instead, standardized emails can shake your reputation and don’t have effectiveness. You should have already received resumes... How many actually forwarded? Using that contact list created in your phase of reflections and, especially, the new list of people you've met at events, try to schedule "informal" conversations. I.e. it is not a good idea asking to an executive to receive you, stating that needs a new job. Ask for fifteen minutes of conversation, a cafe, making it clear that your goal is about "getting subsidies for your between jobs process, in conversations with experienced professionals". You will find a small amount of executives very willing to collaborate, but among them you'll meet really amazing people! Yes, there are professionals with senior positions and with careers extremely successful, very sensitive to the importance of supporting people in career transition. Luckier you will be directly invited to a lunch or even for an interview.

7. Stay in balance. Seek support in your family, practice physical activities, take care of your health and try to take life very positively, without positioning as a victim. Remember that when you return to work will not have time for all this. Enjoy every moment and do not feed the prejudice against the unemployed professionals, be sure of your value.

8. We're not well every day. There are times that hits a certain discouragement... Collecting for some time and wait for the bad time pass, he shall pass!

Lucky & Prosperity! alvbs

PS: help me collaborate with other professionals in replacement by sending me comments, tips, suggestions and your experiences, good or bad.

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